Why Avoiding Refined Sugar is Good for Your Sexual Health
We don't want you to give up sugar. But if you want to be your…
How Eating Fiber-Rich Foods Will Promote Sexual Health
I don't know why we associate the importance of fiber with aging.…
Why Potassium is Important for Sexual Health
You know that scene, so popular in movies, when an older man…
4 Foods That Lower Sex Drive and Kill a Romantic Evening
If you're worried about low libido or even if you're just trying…
How to Be Sexier in 10 Easy Steps
Can a so-called sexy diet help you get sexy? Absolutely and resoundingly…
The Benefits of Vitamin E Including Why it’s Called the Sex Vitamin
Perhaps it comes from living in a city immersed in health and…
Pheromones and Attraction: food scents can stimulate sexual desire
When it comes to food and lust, we smell what we want. Similar…
Learn How to Savor the Moment
Step away from distractions! And yes, that includes your smartphone.…
How Exercising Your Brain Will Make You a Better Lover
There are several ways brain function and sexual health are linked.…